
Archive for the ‘Government Rants’ Category

UPDATE: Please note that it is not suggested here that anyone who votes for a law that is later ruled unconstitutional should be booted. There are many scenarios where that is a legitimate instance.

In this particular case, however, many who voted for Obamacare never actually read the bill and were told beforehand that it may not be legal according to the constitution. This is dangerous and gets to the root of the problem currently infecting our nation.

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.

When a federal judge in Florida struck down the entire government healthcare law, he made it clear that the mandate portion of the law was unconstitutional.

Federal District Court judge Roger Vinson had this to say: (more…)

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I’m not really sure what to make of today’s breaking announcement about changes coming to the national Emergency Alert System.

Everybody has heard the national Emergency Alert System (EAS). Those familiar “duck calls” that reassure listeners “THIS is a test…this is ONLY a test…”

The FCC is planning an upgrade to the tests by including presidential announcements in the system.

I really hate to (more…)

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Pack this into the “you’ve got to be kidding” file…

Information about every Trident missile the US supplies to Britain will be given to Russia as part of an arms control deal signed by President Barack Obama next week.

The lunacy behind a decision like this simply cannot be explained. As others are pointing out, the arms control treaty this is all about is not even a deal that puts the U.S. at an advantage.

Most galling is the willingness of U.S. negotiators, and thus President Obama, to use Britain to secure the support of Russia for an arms control treaty that puts America at a disadvantage.

The Telegraph article also explains that “Defence analysts claim the agreement risks undermining Britain’s policy of refusing to confirm the exact size of its nuclear arsenal.

This is outrageous on all fronts. Apparently the only thing Barack Obama knows how to do is lie to voters, convincing them to vote for him, and undermine our country at every opportunity provided.

This is pitiful.

Eric Odom

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A common email I get from leftists is one containing a simple question…

“Where was your movement during the Bush years?”

Now I’ll admit there are a lot of loyal Republicans who take part in the tea party movement and its efforts. I also believe, however, there are many Independents, Libertarians and Democrats.

For the record, I got my start in politics in 2004 by volunteering for the Bush campaign in Nevada. I was young (25 years old) and clueless about the political realm.

I was hooked by the fact that a) Bush was promising to work towards privatizing social security, or at least make that an option, and b) John Kerry was an absolute buffoon. (more…)

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The National Review Online has a great post up that essentially makes the claim that affirmative action no longer has a place in a free society like America’s.

This week we celebrated Martin Luther King Day, and if there’s one thing that the Left hates, it’s pointing out that the practice of giving preferences on the basis of race — a.k.a. affirmative action — is quite at odds with Dr. King’s dream that “my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” And so, of course, I have to do that.

They also hate it when it is pointed out that perhaps it is time to reconsider the justification and need for racial preferences, when the nation has an African-American president. And the leader of the other major political party has been an African-American for the last couple of years. And there are no WASPs on the Supreme Court. And Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice and Marco Rubio and, well, you get the idea.

Granted, I think policy such as affirmative action should have never had a place in a free-mark world such as ours, but it is what it is.

This is the money line for the base of my beliefs on the matter.

Except, of course, that such discrimination is often tolerated when it is labeled affirmative action.

Exactly. Affirmative Action, while pitched as a method to keep discrimination out of the work place, actually created an environment where discrimination is not only legal, but encouraged.

Americans of all races should come together in denouncing such terrible policy.

My two…

Eric Odom

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…that would be our government, of course.

In this particular case, that would be our government throwing a man in jail for ten days and confiscating his legally owned firearm for several years.

Why? (more…)

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I’ll take a lot of flack for this, no doubt, but after the flood of responses I got on my email about blocking cell phones in cars I have some serious concerns about the true state of our movement.

My email was referencing a column written by Michelle Malkin regarding the government’s statement on possibly creating technology to block cell phone coverage in vehicles.

Not surprisingly, the majority of responses were very supportive of my perspective. Much to my surprise, however, there were about 30 responses (more…)

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Continuing my seemingly aoristic screed about big government, today’s post is about the scam known as “Safety Corridors.”

Well, perhaps “scam” is harsh, but these sections of highway are no doubt secretly viewed as a source of revenue for the states that utilize them.

I first discovered these mysterious Safety Corridors when driving through southern New Mexico during the last Tea Party Express Tour. Soon after entering New Mexico, we crossed into a Safety Corridor that carried double penalties for speeding fines.

As luck would have it, I was picked off for speeding in the first Safety Corridor I encountered.

I openly acknowledged I was (more…)

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Apparently I have a lot of big government readers. According to a good chunk of the comments on my TSA post Monday, quite a few folks believe silly security measures are more important than liberty and rights.

In response to those comments, I believe it incredibly dangerous for us to accept the premise that getting a pat down or walking through a nude x-ray machine makes a plane safer.

Why would they not just try and attack an airport security area? Far more people there…

Of course, they could just play the odds as well. If you know one out of 30 entering a security area will get pulled aside, why not just send 30 people through?

It’s ridiculous.

Thousands of Americans are not pointing this out and doing so in a big way. But instead of listening to the angry voice of the people, the TSA is digging in and fighting back.

The TSA has opened an an investigation targeting John Tyner, the passenger who refused to be molested or scanned nude.

In response to the outrage, TSA said this.

“Look, everybody has a role to play,” she said. “And if people don’t want to play that role, if they want to travel by some other means, of course that’s their right. This is the United States, of course they have that right. But again, this is all being done as a process to make sure that the traveling public is safe.”

That’s all good and well, but that statement shows the government either doesn’t get the point we’re making, or chooses to ignore it.

We cannot surrender our liberty in hopes of gaining security. And that’s exactly what submitting to the TSA is.

I leave you with this gem. (The same people who made the infamous Al Gore sexual assault video)

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UPDATE: There is now a “National Opt-Out Day” being organized for November 24th. The official website includes a list of Senators who sit on the committee on commerce.

I’ve been meaning to write about the TSA and how it’s driving us deeper into a police state than ever before. I myself have endured some uncomfortable scenarios at the airport and until now I’ve been too busy to give the implications the thought they deserve.

Before getting into the meat of this post, however, I highly recommend you read Glenn Beck’s book “The Overton Window.” (Affiliate link at Amazon.com… FYI)

While the Overton Window is Fiction, the premise is extremely relevant. Essentially, the Overton Window is a gap of activity thrust upon us that we find acceptable in society. As society finds a set of rules or laws acceptable, their authors seek to push them further and further until they have complete control over our lives and liberty.

Wikipedia has a brief page further expanding on the original explanation of the Overton Window.

At any given moment, the “window” includes a range of policies considered to be politically acceptable in the current climate of public opinion, which a politician can recommend without being considered too “extreme” or outside the mainstream to gain or keep public office. Overton arranged the spectrum on a vertical axis of “more free” and “less free” in regards to government intervention. When the window moves or expands, ideas can accordingly become more or less politically acceptable.

The TSA is a perfect example of an (more…)

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